How The FOCCUS© Pre-Marriage Inventory Works:
A 5 Step Process Worth Taking!
Meet with a FOCCUS Facilitator
Couples Response to Inventory
FOCCUS Inventory Scoring
FOCCUS© Couple Report
Couple's Rating Provided
Couples respond to the inventory independently, on a computer or on paper, to indicate their level of agreement, disagreement, or indecision about statements related to issues such as Communication, Problem-Solving, Religion, Dual Careers, Cohabitation, Parenting, Sexuality, Finances and more.
Scoring of the FOCCUS Inventory can be done in three ways:
- Online Administration - Couple takes the inventory on line (on any computer that has an Internet connection)and Facilitator prints the scored Couple Report from his/her computer
- QuickScore entry - Couple takes the inventory on paper and Facilitator enters the couples' written responses into any computer that has an Internet connection and prints the Couple Report.
- Mail-In Service - by FOCCUS, Inc. USA
A FOCCUS © Couple Report provides the FOCCUS Facilitator a personalized profile of topics and areas warranting time and attention, affirmation and/or problem solving by the couple. The FOCCUS© Facilitator Manual assists the Facilitator to interpret the FOCCUS© Couple Report and helps guide the couple's discussion.
Couple's are provided with a rating and planning booklet called FOCCUS© For the Future to help them integrate what they have learned from the FOCCUS Pre-Marriage Inventory and build on the awareness gained.
FOCCUS Facilitators
Want to become a FOCCUS Facilitator?
to use the FOCCUS© Pre-Marriage Inventory to help prepare couples for marriage
Want to score the FOCCUS© Pre-Marriage Inventory?
(Trained FOCCUS Facilitators only)
Key Features of the FOCCUS© Pre-Marriage Inventory:
Includes the following
Content Areas:
- Life Style Expectations
- Friends and Interests
- Personality Match
- Personal Issues
- Communication
- Problem Solving
- Religion and Values
- Parenting
- Extended Family
- Sexuality
- Finances
- Marriage Readiness
- Marriage Covenant
- Key Problem Indicators
- Family of Origin
- Dual Careers
- Interfaith Marriages
- Remarriages
- Cohabiting Couples
Is not a test but, rather, is the source of the FOCCUS© Couple Report, which shows patterns of strengths and areas that need the couples' attention. A trained FOCCUS Facilitator guides the couples' discussion based on their FOCCUS© Couple Report.
Is supported by a detailed FOCCUS© Facilitator Manual, which provides Facilitators with supplemental questions that help elicit optimal, positive couple discussion.
Can be used as the sole tool for marriage preparation or in combination with other marriage preparation processes or programs, such as skill-building classes, educational programs or marriage mentoring.
Is user friendly for diverse populations, with five editions in three languages, three methods of scoring, and several Facilitator training options.
Has strong psychometric properties: high reliability, content, construct and predictive validity.
Serves diverse populations, as it is available in 6 editions, 6 languages, and with sections tailored to specific couple situations:
- General
- Catholic
- Christian
- Abridged
- Alternate